indiana2’s blog


パットと言えばこれ。Speaking of Pat Metheny, this is it. 2005/8/27


all the things you.. old folks等のスタンダードはもちろん、最終曲のthree flights upはパットの超名曲。パットのギターに愁いのシンセが包みこむ様がすばらしい。最近の新譜のチェックが進んでいないのはこれよりいいものがそのあと出ていないからだ。

I have decided that Pat's guitar trio is this.
All the things you .. Not to mention the standard such as old folks, the final song three flights up is Pat's super masterpiece. It's wonderful that Pat's guitar is wrapped in a melancholy synth. The reason why the recent new albums haven't been checked is that there are no better ones after that.

Question and Answer

Pat Metheny